Welcome to Two Mile Ash School


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Red Nose

Red Nose Day – 21st March


PASTORAL – Parents News and Events


wc Monday 10th March


A warm welcome to Two Mile Ash School, a member of the Inspiring Futures Through Learning Academy Trust. At Two Mile Ash School, high standards of achievement, behaviour and respect for each other, underpin everything we do. Our teachers strive to create independent, articulate thinkers and learners who have the confidence to realise their ambitions. Our pupils are happy, highly engaged and thrive from a rich and vibrant curriculum. This drives us in our pursuit for achieving excellence every day.

We have three core aims that run throughout our school curriculum. We aim for all pupils to become ‘confident individuals’ who are prepared for the next stage of learning and are equipped with the skills to contribute to an ever-changing world. We want our pupils to become ‘successful learners’ who enjoy learning, make rapid progress and achieve highly. In addition, we strive for our pupils to become ‘responsible citizens’ who make a positive contribution to the life of school and the wider society in which they live.

Our partnership with parents and our local community is an essential part of our success. Our open door policy provides an opportunity for our parents to engage in the life of school and we actively encourage parents to be involved in their children’s learning and journey through Two Mile Ash.

Within our website, you will find further information about our school but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Lucy Eldridge
Head Teacher

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