Our Class Read

This term, Year 5 are reading Holes by Louis Sachar, the text links with our History topic crime and punishment as the texts protagonist STbaley Yelnats is sent to Camp Green Lake (which we learn isn't really a lake anymore)  to build character reflecting on the crime he supposedly committed. The children are loving the text so far and are so engaged with reading the chapters " Yesssss!" can be heard in the classrooms when the teachers pick up the text. We can't wait to learn what happens next!

The children are really enjoying this book so far and as part of our school reading pledge, teachers are sharing this story with their classes for at least 10 minutes every day.

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 at Two Mile Ash School. Please scroll down to find out further information about Year 5, including our class read, staffing structure and things we have been up to.


Mr Ruffett
Head of Year 5


Year 5 Team - Mr Ruffett, Miss Fawcett, Miss Norman, Mrs Potter, Miss Peart, Mrs Lim and Miss Kimberley.