Pupil Premium

Children who qualify for pupil premium support and need intervention to boost academic performance in line with their peers.

Children who qualify for pupil premium funding who require further support to access life experience and opportunities in a similar way their peers do.

Promoting and ensuring that every child reaches their full potential is paramount at Two Mile Ash School. This encompasses social, moral, spiritual and culture growth and we believe maintaining an environment in which every member of the school is able to achieve success and fulfilment. High expectations and consistency of progress and achievement for all pupils is embedded throughout our school, irrespective of gender, race, culture or socio-economic background, and this is enhanced further by ensuring Pupil Premium is used to maximum effect.

Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to pupils who are one of the following: Pupils Looked After, pupils who are currently eligible for Free School Meals, pupils who are within a service family, those pupils who have received Free School Meals in the last six years (Ever 6 children).  Since April 2014, Pupil Premium Plus has come into effect whereby children adopted from care, or those children who have left care under Special Guardianship order since December 2005, also now receive funds. The monies allocated differs on a yearly basis and this is published within  the TMA-Pupil-Premium-Policy-2023-24

TMA is committed to the development of the whole child and we wrap ourselves around families providing social care, out of hours support and a deep rooted trust that together every child will achieve their full potential with complete awareness of a vulnerability amongst some of our children.  Our Pupil Premium Strategy is bespoke, it’s targeted and it’s obvious. These children must leave us on an equal footing to everyone else, they must be secondary ready and hold their heads up high ready for the challenges to face them in the next chapter of their lives. We tackle any barriers head on from entry so that we engage early with issues, build trust quickly and start immediately to break down these barriers once and for all. High expectations and consistency of progress and achievement for all pupils is embedded throughout our school and this is enhanced further ensuring Pupil Premium is used to maximum effect.

No one child is the same and thus this is reflected in the wide variety of ways PP is utilized.  The provision provided encompasses both direct approaches to ‘narrowing the gap’ and other more creative interventions, which subsequently influence academic achievement and very importantly enhance their social and emotional well-being. We believe that PP should be used to impact the wider school but it is also pertinent that the PP is specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual PP pupils in addition to and in different ways from our other intervention programs.

Our key ethos and aims include:

  • TMA adopts a whole school approach with all being empowered and accountable for our pupil premium pupils. It is also a key focus for SLT with a shared purpose but has one strategic lead who is on the senior leadership team.
  • There should be no gap in progress or attainment between pupil premium pupils and non-pupil premium pupils.
  • Pupil premium funds will be ring fenced to directly benefit and target pupil premium pupils, they will be specifically tailored to meet their individual needs and the provision will include ways which are in addition to and different from other intervention programs as required.

All expenditure is evaluated using key performance indicators, including attendance, attainment, progress and punctuality.

  • Pupil premium is a key focus of teaching and learning and plays a crucial part in planning, monitoring and assessment.
  • Direct involvement by all stakeholders including our Pupil Premium governor.
  • Governors, especially our Pupil Premium governor, to be fully involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the Pupil Premium interventions, analysis and costings.

Our Pupil Premium lead is Ms Sally Scriven  – If you would like any additional information about Pupil Premium at Two Mile Ash School, please don’t hesitate to contact the school on 01908 562262.